Saturday, October 16, 2010

Book Review - Amin Maalouf

Le dérèglement du monde : Quand nos civilisations s'épuisentLe dérèglement du monde : Quand nos civilisations s'épuisent by Amin Maalouf

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Enlightening. Maalouf did an excellent job portraying today's world, both East and West, from cultural, ethical, religional point of views, staying in the middle with equal distances to every side. Although he emphasized in almost every other chapter that the opinions he was standing up for was solely and totally are of his own, between the lines, those were also the opinions he wished every human being had deep down.

I was especially impressed with the modern-day utopia he had built in the epilogue, an utopia where obviously he had wanted European Union to be the America of the old continent and America to be the America "everyone dreamed of". That these nations were obliged to design a whole new world order in order to survive. Where, once implemented, every other nation in the world would be willing to follow through because they would believe it really is for their own good. I'm not sure how much of it I would agree but that is a genuinely strong point of view that should be seriously considered.

In summary, it's an excellent book to read and know about the recent developments in the Middle East, West and Far East countries and to see the effects of the politics forced upon every third world nation by America and Europe.

View all my reviews

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Sick and lazy.

Since last weekend I've been meaning to sit on my ass and type some stuff but I've been suffering from laziness. And today I have the lamest but the most valid excuse in the world: I'm sick! Not sick sick, but sick that triggers laziness even more. Like all you want to do is lay on the couch, drink tea, eat chips (random craving -not with tea because apparently that would taste just horrible) and watch movies. Scratch movies: I'm too lazy to watch The Men Who Stare At Goats, or Black Dahlia or Frankie and Johnny. Best fix for a rainy Saturday night could be to catch up a good TV show. I've been strangely drawn into the world of True Blood thanks to my cousin so I think it's a good choice for tonight.

Next is The Tudors. Sigh. If only Scotty could beam me up to 16th century!

Or turn me into a vampire. Wait. Scotty can't do that, I need some Edward or Lestat..

And I was supposed to gloat about my Nev concert last weekend! And the Scorpions concert as well!

Oh dear laziness!